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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Download Music dari Album Hail to The King (Avenged Sevenfold)

Download Lagu-lagu dari Album Hail to The King (Avenged Sevenfold)

Download Lagu-lagu dari Album Hail to The King (Avenged Sevenfold) – Avenged Sevenfold (A7X) adalah band
Hardrock Amerika dari Huntington Beach, California, yang dibentuk pada tahun 1999. Band ini sekarang terdiri dari M. Shadows (vokalis), Synyster Gates (lead guitar), Zacky vengeance (rhythm guitar), Johnny Christ (bassist), dan Arin Ilejay (drummer).

Avenged Sevenfold saat ini telah merilis 5 album studio, 1 album live/kompilasi/DVD, dan 16 single. Pada tahun 2013 ini mereka kembali merilis Album terbaru mereka yaitu “Hail to The King
Bagi Anda yang mengaku sebagai Sevenfoldism sejati tentu tidak sabar lagi untuk mendengar lagu-lagu Avenged Sevenfold dari album “Hail to The King” ini. :mrgreen:

Silahkan di download lagu-lagu mp3 dari album Hail to The King berikut :
Download Lagu-lagu dari Album Hail to The King (Avenged Sevenfold)
01. Shepherd Of Fire
02. Hail To The King
03. Doing Time
04. This Means War
05. Requiem
06. Crimson Day
07. Heretic
08. Coming Home
09. Planets
10. Acid Rafin

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Biter #1 - Chapter 1


            Riyan adalah seorang murit pindahan dari sektor 9. Ia sekarang berada dikawasan sektor 13, dimana dulunya itu adalah Negara Malaysia. Sejak For Freedom menduduki beberapa wilayah di  Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Singapura, mereka mengubah wilayah – wilayah yang dulunya kota menjadi wilayah persektoran.
            Bukanlah pertama kali Riyan pindah. Sudah berkali – kali ia pindah dari sektor – sektor karena sebab yang tidak jelas. Dengan tiga orang temannya yang juga pindahan dari sektor 9, Riyan tidak terlalu ragu menapakkan kakinya di sekolah barunya itu.
            Hari – hari Riyan berjalan seperti biasanya. Ia tidak terlalu memiliki banyak teman. Hanya beberapa teman baru dan tiga orang temannya yang sangat dekat kepadanya. Mungkin ada beberapa alasan yang membuat ketiga temannya itu begitu memperhatikannya. Atau jangan – jangan, mereka ingin tahu apa sebenarnya yang ada dalam diri Riyan yang misterius itu? Bagaimana tidak, ia selalu berpindah sekolah sehari setelah kejadian – kejadian yang menimpa sekolahan yang pernah ia singgahi sebelumnya. Kebanyakan adalah tragedi pembunuhan juga! Pernah juga Riyan ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Tapi, saat tidak ada bukti tentang Riyan, Riyan pun lolos dari jerat hukum.
            Riyan memang seorang yang misterius bahkan untuk teman – temannya sendiri. Ia dikenal agak pendiam, tapi sebenarnya ia anak yang cerdas. Bayak sekali medali lomba non atletik dari perunggu, perak, bahkan sampai emas ia dapatkan.
            Hari ini hari kebangkitan For Freedom. Pihak FF akan mengadakan lomba antar sektor mulai dari 1 – 17 sektor. Untuk masalah ini, Riyan selalu mendaftarkan diri. Terutama pada lomba – lomba yang bersifat akademik. Untuk urusan non – akademik, Godek jagonya. Ia adalah satu dari tiga teman Riyan yang ikut singgah ke sektor 13. Meskipun berbeda, mereka selalu bersaing memperebutkan juara terbaik disetiap even – even yang diadakan.
            “Ehm....., si jenius datang.” kata Godek sambil tersenyum tipis memergoki Riyan.
            “Wah wah, tumben sigung datang kemari. Ada apa?” balas Riyan mengejek.
            “Aku bukan sigung bodoh!” tempramen Godek mulai naik. “Orang setampan aku kok dibilang sigung.”
            “Ehe....., mimpi kali.” kembali mengejek Godek.
            “Ahh sudah. Kita tentukan besok pada lomba antar sektor. Siapa yang mengantongi medali emas paling sedikit dialah sigung!” kata Godek dengan tatapan miris.
            “Apa kau melupakan kami berdua?” terlihat seorang dari kejauhan yang tak lain dan tak bukan adalah Riwi. Salah satu teman Riyan, tepatnya musuh bebuyutannya dibidang akademik.
            “Yah..., sepertinya kita diabaikan.” kata seorang yang muncul bebarengan dengan Riwi.
            “Woohooo...., adik kakak Aisyah dan Riwi muncul!” kata Godek mengejek.
            Mereka berempat pun saling berperang lidah. Tak jarang mereka berlaku seperti itu. Sebenarnya ini selalu dilakukan setiap ada even dari pihak pusat.
            Saat sedang asyik bertengkar kata – kata, bell masuk pun berbunyi. Segera mereka masuk ke kelas masing – masing. Berbeda dengan keadaan di luar kelas, Rian sangatlah pendiam. Ia selalu memperhatikan pelajaran dengan baik.
            Bell pulang pun berbunyi.
            “Panggilan kepada Rian Hidayatullah ditunggu di kantor urusan sekarang juga.”
            “Eh...., itu ada panggilan untuk mu.” kata Godek.
            “Ah..., masak?” kata Rian.
            “Sekali lagi, panggilan kepada Riyan Hidayatullah ditunggu di kantor urusan sekarang juga.”
            “Ah....iya, betul kamu Dek!” kata Riyan kaget.
            Riyan pun segera menuju kantor urusan secepatnya. Setibanya di kantor urusan, ia terkejut melihat seorang guru terikat pingsan disebuah kursi sofa kantor. Rian segera beranjak keluar karena takut akan terjadi apa – apa. Saat Rian hendak keluar, tiba – tiba saja pintunya menutup  terkunci. “Tolong....! kata Riyan panik. Dengan sekuat tenaga ia mencoba untuk membuka pintu itu. “Tolong...! teriaknya berulang kali.
            Duk....duk...duk terdengar suara derap kaki dari balik almari membuat Rian makin takut akannya. Sesosok pria muncul dari balik almari itu.
            “Siapa kau?” kata Rian gemetar.
“Jangan takut padaku. Aku tidak bermaksud jahat” kata orang aneh itu.
“Lantas..., kenapa kau ikat guruku!” bentak Rian.
“Tentu saja karena ini rahasia!” jawab orang itu.
“Sekarang dengar baik – baik. Salah seorang temanmu adalah anggota For Freedom. Mereka ingin membunuhmu!” kata orang itu.
“Bagaimana aku bisa percaya?” Tanya Rian.
“Ini memang sulit tapi terserah kamu.” kata orang itu. “Ada yang datang! Bersikaplah biasa.”
Orang aneh itu pun segera bersembunyi kembali. Tak lama kemudian seseorang datang. Rasa ketakutan Rian terobati saat ia tahu bahwa yang datang itu adalah temannya sendiri.
“Syukurlah kau datang Budi! Aku sangat ketakutan tadi.” kata Rian lega.
“Memang ada apa Rian?” Tanya Budi serius.
“Ada seseorang yang aneh tadi kemari. Dia juga menyekap pak Jemskin.” kata Rian.
Tiba – tiba Budi bersikap agak aneh. Ekspresinya berubah serius saat memandang Rian.
“Ada apa Bud?” tanya Rian penasaran.
“Tidak. Apa orang tadi membicarakan sesuatu?” Budi berbalik menanyai Rian.
“Em..., iya! Katanya salah satu dari teman kita ada yang bekerja untuk For Freedom. Aku tak tahu apa itu For Freedom tapi, aku yakin teman kita baik – baik semua!” kata Rian yakin.
“Rian, ikutlah denganku sebentar.” kata Budi sambil memegang tangan Rian.
“Tapi pak Jems?” tanya Rian.
“Sudah lupakan dulu. Ada yang lebih penting!” kata Budi memaksa.
            Budi membawa Rian menuju halaman belakang sekolah. Tak disangka, Godek, Riwi dan Aisyah, ada disana. Mereka bertiga terlihat seperti sudah menunggu Rian dari tadi. Perasaan Rian mulai kacau. “Apa benar kata orang tadi?” bisik hati kecilnya. Budi membawa Rian ke tengah halaman belakang sekolah dan melemparkannya.
            “Uwaaa....,” Rian terpelanting.
            Brukk...., Rian terpelanting jauh ke tengah halaman belakang sekolah. “Aduh...!” Rian merintih kesakitan.
            Tak disangka, teman – teman yang selama ini ia percaya sekarang malah menganiaya dirinya.  Hati kecil Rian mulai yakin dengan apa yang dikatakan orang misterius barusan. Ia sekarang dalam bahaya besar. Saking deg – degannya, Rian tak menyadari bahwa lutut kanannya berdarah akibat peristiwa barusan. Rian yang terpojok dan tidak tahu apa – apa ini makin khawatir dengan teman – temannya itu.
            “Apa yang orang barusan orang itu katakan Rian?” Budi kembali mendekati Rian.
            Rian hanya tercengang merasa ketakutan. Tubuhnya yang mulai mendingin itu tak bisa digerakkan sama sekali.
            “Rian...Rian. Bodohnya kamu bertemu dengan kami.” kata Godek.
            Rian hanya bisa tertegun melihat perilaku dingin temannya. Ia hanya bisa pasrah dengan apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya.
            “Dengar baik – baik Rian! Kami tak kan membunuhmu jika kau memberi tau orang yang barusan!” kata Budi menyorot tajam mata Rian.
            “......” Rian tetap terdiam.
            “Kau tuli apa bisu sih?” kata Riwi dengan nada sinis.
            “Ini membuang – buang waktu!” Godek mulai emosi.
            “Baiklah kalau begitu. Jika kau tak memberi tau kami siapa sebenarnya orang tadi, nikmatilah kematianmu!!!” kata Budi yang mulai panas dengan tingkah laku Rian.
            “Biar aku yang mengeksekusi dia! Aku akan menikmati ini.”
            Godek berjalan perlahan menuju Rian. Rian merasa putus asa. Tidak ada gunanya lagi ia menghindar. Lagi pula, tubuhnya yang ketakutan itu tidak dapat digerakkan sama sekali.
            “Apa kau takut sigung?” kata Godek mengejek Rian.
            “Selesaikan dengan cepat! Kita akan segera kembali ke markas. Dan jangan lupa, jangan sampai ada barang bukti sekecil apapun!” kata Aisyah.
            “Yah..., aku tidak bisa bermain – main denganmu deh! Tapi tak apa lah. Akan kubunuh dalam lima menit!”
            Tubuh Rian mulai berguncang keras seperti menggigil. Bibirnya yang dingin tak lagi bisa mengatakan sepatah kata sekalipun.
            Duummm! “Uwaaa!”
            Godek terpelanting tiba – tiba. Sesosok pria muncul dari balik debu yang beterbangan. Budi, Aisyah, dan Riwi mengambil posisi siaga.
            “Nah..., maaf aku terlambat. Namaku Joe Sebastian. Salam kenal!”
Terlihat ekspresi orang asing itu tak takut sama sekali dengan kondisi genting yang dialami Rian sekarang.
Greeeng....grenggreng, terdengar suara motor dari lorong sekolahan. Budi dan yang lainnya terkejut melihat seorang pengendara yang terbakar berjalan bebas menuju mereka.
“Stanly..., kau terbakar lagi!” kata Joe.
“Iya kah? Nah sekarang menjadi imbang tiga lawan empat!” kata Stanly.
“Hey kita masih kalah jumlah bodoh!” teriak Joe kepada Stanly.
“Dimana Dominique?” tanya Stanly kepada Joe.
“Siapa kalian?” sela Rian penasaran.
Budi dan temannya mulai terpojok. Apalagi Godek yang terluka akibat peristiwa barusan semakin mengharuskan mereka untuk melarikan diri. Mereka juga tidak tau – menau soal kedua orang tersebut. Mereka juga mendengar akan ada satu lagi orang yang akan datang. Akhirnya mereka memutuskan untuk kembali ke markas.
“Stanly..., kau terbakar! Kita tak kan berperang kali ini.” kata Joe.
“Wooooi, Joe! Mereka lari!” kata Stanly panik.
“Stanly..., api dikepalamu semakin membesar!” kata Joe bercanda.
“Sudahlah! Mereka akan kabur bodoh.” kata Stanly marah.
“Tak apa, biarkan mereka pergi! Misi kita sudah selesai.” kata Joe dengan nada yang tenang seakan tak takut akan apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya.
“Hey semua, aku datang! Kalian pasti menunggu meminta bantuanku kan! Loh, kemana musuhnya? Apa mereka pergi seiring dengan datangnya aku? Hahahah, aku memang hebat! kata Dominique yang baru saja datang dan membawa berbagai makanan ditangannya.
“Kauuuuu! seru Joe dan Stanly bersamaan.
“Apa?” kata Dominique bingung.
Gravity Pounch!” Joe memukul Dominique dengan sekuat tenaga. Disusul Stanly yang juga ingin melampiaskan kemarahannya. “Burning Preasure!” kata Stanly sambil mengeluarkan api biru tepat di depan wajah Dominique.
“Uwaaaaa!” teriak Dominique terpental sangat jauh.
“Kenapa kau lakukan itu padaku?” protes Dominique.
“Kau tak tau apa kesalahanmu?” kata Joe makin kesal.
Joe dan Dominique akhirnya bertarung. Saking kesalnya, beberapa jurus Joe hampir mengenai Rian.
“Sudah cukup kalian berdua! Kayak anak kecil saja!” seseorang lagi muncul dengan tiba – tiba. Pertempuran langsung mereda setelah orang itu datang. Sikap Joe dan Dominique berubah seketika. Mereka menjadi se-cool mungkin untuk mengubah suasana.
“Yah, misi sudah selesai. Ayo kembali ke markas.” Kata Joe sok cool.
“Ok, kita bawa dia!” kata Dominique serius.
“Hey, pakai bahasa yang baku teman – teman!” bisik Stanly.
Mereka bertiga terlihat mengabaikan orang tadi. Hal itu membuatnya marah.
“Jangan abaikan aku bodoh!” kata orang itu marah.
“Tak patut! Kau tidak boleh marah – marah!” kata Joe dengan tenang makin membuat marah orang itu.
“Hedeh, terserah!” kata orang itu yang merubah ekspresi seketika.
Rian merasa bingung dengan mereka ber-empat. Tidak seperti teman – temannya yang ia kenal selama ini. Entah mengapa, perasaan Rian sangat gembira. Tiba – tiba Rian tertawa terbahak – bahak. Kelakuan ke-empat orang aneh itu menurut Rian sangat lah lucu.
Hal itu tentu saja membuat ke-empat orang itu merasa aneh terhadapnya. Serentak, mereka menoleh memperhatikan Rian. Rian pun berubah ekspresi.
“Ini sangat......rumit?” kata Rian bingung dengan apa yang akan dikatakannya.
“Hahahahahah!” ke-empat orang itu tertawa terbahak – bahak. Rian makin betah dengan mereka. Entah mengapa mereka terasa seperti teman. Baru pertama kali ia merasa setenang ini. Meskipun Rian tidak mengenal mereka, mereka terasa dekat dengannya.
“Eh..., Rian! Kaki kananmu berdarah!” kata Dominique.
“Ha...?” melihat ke kaki kanannya.
            Deg deg, detak jantung Rian makin cepat. Ekspresi Rian berubah menakutkan. Tiba – tiba saja ia mengeluarkan senjata aneh mirip tongkat satpam tapi ujungnya runcing. Ia menyerang membabi buta. Semuanya hanya terlihat gelap baginya.
            “Apa yang terjadi?” teriak Joe.
            “Apa kita boleh bermain – main?” ujar Stanly.
            “Syndrome!” kata Raffael.
            “Apa maksudmu?” tanya Joe penasaran.
            “Dia memiliki penyakit syndrome. Penyakit kejiwaan yang memberikan response berlebih ketika melihat atau merasakan spesifikasi syndromenya. Mungkin, Rian syndrome pada darah. Saat ia melihat darahnya, tiba – tiba saja ia berubah seperti ini. Kekuatannya keluar tak terkendali.”
            “Apa yang kita lakukan?” Joe kembali bertanya.
            “Nah, sudah selesai!” kata Raffael sambil membawa Rian di punggungnya.
            “Uwaaa, sejak kapan kau...? Tapi tadi kau....?” kata Joe bingung.
            “Sudahlah, ayo kembali ke markas!” seru Raffael.
            Joe merasa terkagum sekaligus terkejut bukan main melihat Raffael. Ia masih tidak mengerti akan kekuatan Raffael. “Siapa dia?” ujarnya dalam hati.
            Malam yang panjang terasa sangat cepat. Mereka bergegas kembali ke markas. Rian masih tak sadarkan diri. Sesampainya di markas, Raffael segera menempatkan Rian di tempat tidur yang nyaman. Ia lekas keluar setelah meletakkan Rian.
            Raffael memang biasa keluar markas sendirian. Kali ini, Joe mengikuti Raffael kemana ia pergi. Berjalan melewati pepohonan di sebuah hutan membuat Joe makin penasaran.
            Sampailah mereka disebuah rumah kecil yang sepi. Raffael beranjak masuk ke dalam rumah tersebut. Joe segera mengikuti Raffael masuk ke dalam rumah tua yang penuh dengan tanaman merambat itu. Saat ia di dalam, Raffael hilang dari pandangannya. “Kemana dia?” bisiknya dalam hati mencoba tidak ia keluarkan.
            “Joe...? Apa yang kau lakukan disini? tanya Raffael yang tiba – tiba ada dibelakang Joe.
            “E..., enggak! Aku hanya mengikutimu.” kata Joe.
            “Kenapa kau disini? Lagian, tidak ada seorangpun disini.” Joe berbalik bertanya.
            “Ini dulunya rumah kami!” kata Raffael. Ia terlihat sedih saat mengatakannya.
            “Siapa maksudmu kami?” Joe kembali bertanya.
            “Teman – temanku. Tapi, mereka sekarang sudah tiada.” kata Raffael sedih.
Terlihat ekspresi sedih yang mendalam dari Raffael begitu jelas. Tak pernah sekalipun Joe melihat Raffael seperti ini. Ia merasa ada rahasia dibalik semua ini. “Siapa dia?” tetap pertanyaan yang sama masih tersimpan di dalam hatinya. Tapi Joe mencoba percaya kepada Raffael. Ia yakin bahwa Raffael memiliki tujuan yang baik untuk bergabung dengannya.
“Nah, karena kau sudah sampai disini, akan kutunjukkan sesuatu kepadamu Joe! Ikut aku!” kata Raffael mengajak Joe ke suatu tempat.
“Kita akan kemana?” tanya Joe penasaran dengan Raffael.
“Sudahlah, ikut saja!” kata Raffael memaksa.
Tak begitu lama, mereka tiba disebuah tempat yang indah. Air terjun mengalir deras. Batu – batu yang ada di dasar air terjun memancarkan sinar kehijau – hijauan. Joe merasa takjub akan apa yang ia lihat malam itu.
“Woooow! Indahnya!” kata Joe takjub.
“Dulu, kami sering kesini. Bermain dan tertawa bersama.” kata Rafael dengan nada datar.
“Raffael, maaf ya! Aku tak bermaksud seperti ini. Aku tak tahu kalau kamu rindu temanmu. Kukira kamu akan kemana!” Joe merasa bersalah telah mengikuti Raffael.
“Tak apa! Aku senang kau bersamaku disini. Sudah sangat lama aku tak kesini.” Raffael tersenyum kepada Joe.
“Nah, aku akan kembali ke markas. Apa kau masih mau disini?” kata Joe mengajak Raffael kembali.
“Tidak. Ini sudah cukup. Ayo kembali!” kata Raffael senang.
Mereka berduapun kembali ke markas. Terlihat Stanly dan Dominique sudah tidur terlebih dahulu. Joe menyusul mereka berdua dan lekas tidur. Sedangkan Raffael masih di luar melihat bintang – bintang yang indah.
“Ohh, kau datang! Ada apa?” Raffael terlihat sudah menunggu orang ini.
“For Freedom! Mereka mencari Rian.” Kata orang aneh itu.
“Tenang saja, dia ada bersamaku! Apa kau jadi bergabung dengan kami?” kata Raffael.
“Jangan sok akrab padaku! Mereka seorang biter, aku tak sudi bersama orang licik seperti mereka!” orang itu menyorot tajam Raffael.
“Jadi..., apa kau akan kembali ke Viper?” kata Raffael dengan nada mengejek.
“Entahlah. Tapi, kenapa kau bergabung dengan mereka? Mereka hanyalah biter biasa!” kata orang itu.
“Bukan. Mereka unik bagiku! Mereka temanku.” kata Raffael mencoba menaruh harapan pada mereka.
“Aku akan memikirkan tawaranmu Raffael! Sampai jumpa.” kata orang itu dan lekas menghilang.
Orang itu beranjak pergi meninggalkan Raffael. Raffael pun juga beranjak masuk dan lekas tidur. Satu yang masih terbayang – bayang dibenaknya. Seseorang yang ia lihat sewaktu menuju ke sekolahan Rian terasa tidak asing baginya. Hal itu membuatnya sedikit gelisah. Ia berusah tidak terlalu memikirkannya. Yang terpenting sekarang ia harus segera istirahat.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Train - Marry Me

"Marry Me"

Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now, we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way

Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Together can never be close enough for me
To feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words "I love you"
And you're beautiful

Now that the wait is over
And love has finally shown her my way

Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies

And marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Marry me

Train - Shake Up Christmas

"Shake Up Christmas"

Ho, ho, ho...

Shake up the happiness
Wake up the happiness
Shake up the happiness
It's Christmas time

There was a story that I was told
And I want to tell the world before I get too old
And don't remember it, so let's December it
And reassemble it, oh yeah

Once upon a time in a town like this
A little girl made a great big wish
To fill the world full of happiness
And be on Santa's magic list

Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Ho, ho, ho,
Ho, ho, ho,
It's Christmas time

At the same time miles away
A little boy made a wish that day
That the world would be okay
And Santa Clause would hear him say
I got dreams and I got love
I got my feet on the ground and family above
Can you send some happiness with my best
To the rest of the people of east and the west

And maybe every once in a while
You give my a grandma a reason to smile
'Tis the season to smile
It's cold but we'll be freezing in style

And let me meet a girl one day
That wants to spread some love this way
We can let our souls run free
And she can open some happiness with me

Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time

I know you're out there
I hear your reindeer
I see the snow where
Your boots have been

I'm gonna show them
So they will know then
Then love will grow and
They believe again

Shake it up (shake it up), shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Ho, ho, ho,
Ho, ho, ho,
It's Christmas time

Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time
Shake it up, shake up the happiness
Wake it up, wake up the happiness
Come on all, it's Christmas time

Ho, ho, ho,
Ho, ho, ho,
Ho, ho, ho,
It's Christmas time

Train - The Finish Line

"The Finish Line"

I thought I knew it all
I've been through the highs, said all my goodbyes
Learned to run before I learned to crawl
It's not worth fighting for if one of us is sure
And one of us is dying, trying to find loves cure

I have waited all my life to paint these cities red
Thoughts I've always had here are stuck inside my head
It's not worth waiting for if one of us wants more
And one of us is dying, trying to find love's door

When we learn how to fly
We forget to how walk
When we learn how to sing
We don't wanna hear each other talk

Here we are at the finish line, ah
Here we are at the finish line

And you, you really thought you knew
Everything to do
With holding onto me and holding on
This time is making me slip right through your hands
And now you don't understand
Trying to find love all yourself

When we learn how to fly,
We forget to how walk
When we learn how to sing
We don't wanna hear each other talk
When we know what we want
We forget what we need
When you find who you are
You forget about me

Here we are at the finish line, ah
Here we are at the finish line, ah
Here we are at the finish line

Ah, ah, ah

Train - Half Moon Bay

"Half Moon Bay"

This ain't a threat but I think I better warn ya
Gonna fall in love if you go to California
I did and this is how I know..

By the beach north of San Jose
Met the right girl and it sounds cliche
but we decided not to take it slow

I said why wait your my soulmate
Took her by the hand in the golden state
Now that your mine things are gonna be fine...

First came love and a baby carriage
Hardly knew the people at my own damn marriage
where an open bar can open your mind

You save my life with every word you say
You shine your light for me to find the way
Just hold me tight and cross your heart to stay
Here with me born to be
Every part of you in Half Moon Bay...

Up in Tiburon where the girls are warm
We stay inside while the rain clouds form
And thank god for rainy days like these

Just when the time has come to retire
Baby starts cryin so we dance by the fire
Always does the trick you better believe

You save my life with every word you say
You shine your light for me to find the way
Just hold me tight and cross your heart to stay
Here with me born to be
Every part of you in Half Moon Bay...

Why go slow if it's nice and steady
We all know its in the stars already
oh ohh oh ohhhh
Why say no if yes feels right
You just go to go where it feels like home

This ain't a threat but I think I better warn ya
Gonna fall in love if you go to California
I did and this is how I know..

[Repeat Chorus]
You save my life with every word you say
You shine your light for me to find the way
Just hold me tight and cross your heart to stay
Here with me born to be
Every part of you in Half Moon Bay...

Train - Breakfast In Bed

"Breakfast In Bed"

California, dancing in the ocean
How I love you, better with some lotion
Sun is always shining.
No one compares to you.

Sidney baby, young and like a flower
How I want you, give me just an hour.
You seem like an angel.
No one compares to you.

You're the best book I ever read.
You're the smartest thing I ever said.
You're breakfast in bed.

When in Norway you can do me more ways
Than any other you treat me like a mother loves her baby
Baby, do I do it for you?
Oh, 'cause all I ever wanted, baby, was baby to do it for you.

You're the best dream in my head.
You're my calm thought when I see red.
You're better than punk rock cred.

You're breakfast in bed.
You're breakfast in bed.
You're breakfast in bed.

Wanna please you, wanna Japanese you
How I need you, dress you up and feed you.
Love you like a daddy loves his baby, baby do it for me.

You're the fastest race I ever led.
You're the finest bride I'll ever wed.
You're the skin I never wanna shed.

You're breakfast in bed.
You're breakfast in bed.
You're breakfast in bed.

Train - Brick By Brick

"Brick By Brick"

The dust has finally settled down
The sun is shining on these pieces that are scattered all around
This house was everything we knew
Its where we kept our love and
every single memory of me and you
Every letter, every note, every dress you never wore under your coat
Thrown away
Brick by brick, we can build it from the floor
If we hold onto each other, we'll be better than before.
And brick by brick,
we will get back to yesterday
When I made your body shiver and
when you took my breath away,
you took my breath away.

The sky has made it back to blue,
everything that's left is telling us the worst of it is through.
Home has never felt so right, there's nothing in the way.
There's nothing in between us
knowing where we're going is inside.
Every letter that I wrote,
every dress you never wore under your coat
Thrown away
Brick by brick, we can build it from the floor
If we hold on to each other,
we'll be better than before.
And brick by brick,
we'll get back to yesterday.
When I made your body shiver
and when you took my breath away.

All the pictures that we've taken
and the songs that we have played
They have all kept track and
followed back the love that we have made.
Now they're spread out on the
surface where we can try to congregate
It's not too late to believe that we can get it all again
Brick by brick, we can build it from the floor,
If we hold onto each other,
we'll be better than before.
And brick by brick,
we'll get back to yesterday
When I made your body shiver and
when you took my breath away,
you took my breath away.
Brick by brick
We'll get back to yesterday,
when I made your body shiver and
when you took my breath away,
you took my breath away.

Train - Words


I'd give anything but I won't give up on you
I'd say anything, but not goodbye
I will run with your changes and I'm always on your side
And there's not a word I've ever heard that would make me change my mind

Words they'll try to shake you
Don't let them break you
Or stop your world from turning
When words keep you from feeling good
Use them as firewood and let them burn

Like stones in your pocket people try to wear you down
Someone always wants to take the love you've found
So let's runs with these changes and I want you by my side
And there's not a word I've ever heard that would make me change my mind

Words they'll try to shake you
Don't let them break you
Or stop your world from turning
When words keep you from feeling good
Use them as firewood and let them burn

Let them burn
Let them burn
Underneath every word somebody's heart been broken
With or without words we try to forgive

Words they'll try to shake us
Don't let them break us
Or stop our world from turning
When words keep you from feeling good
Use them as firewood and let them burn

Words they'll try to shake you
Don't let them break you
Or stop your world, stop your world from turning round
When words keep you from feeling good
Use them as firewood and let them burn

Let them burn
Let them burn

Train - You Already Know

"You Already Know"

This bipolar love affair
It just ain't where it's at for me anymore
So don't let the door hit you when you leave

You throw me in the fire just to save my life
A pretty little liar
When I call you out you'd rather put up a fight than just come clean

Get on your way to making someone else feel low
Then higher than they ever thought they could go
You already know

I'm giving you up, you're letting me down
Stop pretending that you're gonna turn yourself around

You already know, know, know
You already know, know, know, know
Don't ask me why you already know

I was the shoulder you leaned on
You made me feel like the next James Bond
Double O seven oh hell, you were heaven to me

But while you were saying what I wanted to hear
You started breaking ground on a new frontier
Always making love but never to me

So get on your way to making someone else feel low
Then higher than they ever thought they could go
You already know

I'm giving you up, you're letting me down
Stop pretending that you're gonna turn yourself around

You already know, know, know
You already know, know, know, know
Don't ask me why you already know

You already know that I'm done waiting
Going crazy hating myself for loving you
At least the one side of you I thought I knew

You already know
You already know, know, know, know
You already know, know, know, know
Don't ask me why

Train - If It's Love

"If It's Love"

While everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
And there's a thousand ways you can skin it

My feet have been on the floor
Flat like an Idol singer
Remember Winger
I digress
I confess you are the best thing in my life

But I'm afraid when I hear stories
About a husband and wife
There's no happy endings
No Henry Lee
But you are the greatest thing about me

If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whatever
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, Love
That's enough for me

Took a loan on a house I own
Can't be a queen bee without a bee throne
I wanna buy ya everything
Except cologne
'cause it's poison
We can travel to Spain
where the rain falls mainly on the plain
Sounds insane
'cause it is we can laugh we can sing
Have ten kids and give them everything
Hold our cell phones up in the air
And just be glad we made it here alive
On a spinning ball in the middle of space
I love you from your toes to your face


You can move in
I won't ask where you've been
'cause everybody has a past
When we're older
We'll do it all over again

When everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
I'm in it for you

If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whatever
Then the rest is just whatever

If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me

Train - This Ain't Goodbye

"This Ain't Goodbye"

You and I were friends from outer space
Afraid to let go
The only 2 who understood this place
And as far as we know
We were way before our time
As bold as we were blind
Just another perfect mistake
Another bridge to take
On the way of letting go,

This ain't goodbye
This is just where love goes
When words aren't warm enough to keep away the cold
This ain't goodbye
It's not where our story ends
But I know you can't be mine, not the way you've always been
As long as we've got time
Then this ain't goodbye
Oh no, this ain't goodbye

We were stars up in the sunlit sky
No one else could see
Neither of us ever thought to ask why
It wasn't meant to be
Maybe we were way too high
To ever understand
Maybe we were victims of all the foolish plans
We began to devise

But this ain't goodbye
This is just the way love goes
When words aren't warm enough to keep away the cold.
This ain't goodbye
It's not where our story ends
But I know you can't be mine
Just like the way you've always been
As long as we've got time,
This ain't goodbye,
Oh no, this ain't good bye, oh oh, oh no this ain't goodbye
This ain't goodbye
You and I were friends from outer space
Afraid to let go
The only two who understood this place
And as far as we know

This ain't goodbye
Oh no this ain't goodbye
This ain't goodbye oh no this ain't goodbye
This ain't goodbye
It's just the way love goes
But where's that woman now, to keep away the cold, oh no?
This ain't goodbye
This isn't where the story ends
But I know you can't be mine
Like the way you've always been
This ain't goodbye

Train - Parachute


I wanna take you with me
to life with no more yesterdays
we can start again awake and so excited
and change the way we always push
we always push

I'll open up and be your parachute
and I'll never let you down
so open up and be my human angel
and we'll only hit the ground

and when the world gets sharp and tries to cut you down to size
and makes you feel like giving in
oh, I will stay, I will rain, I will wash the words and pain away
and I will chase away the way we push
the way we pull
you're beautiful

I'll open up and be your parachute
and I'll never let you down
so open up and be my human angel
and we'll only hit the ground

and if it feels like we might drop
it will stop
so don't look down
it wouldn't be the same without you
this life is too good to give up on

I'll open up and be your parachute
and I'll never let you down
so open up and be my human angel
and we'll only hit the ground
and we're gonna hit the ground

Train - I Got You

"I Got You"

Hey, did you hear about the one that got away, they say he looked left,
she turned right-meant to be together but not that night,
it's when fates running late, we tend to make mistakes,
we go round and round from love to love
it's either way too much or not enough
gimme lazy days with nothing better to do
than singin oh black water keep on rolling while I wait for you
I don't care if it rains, I'll be just fine,
I'm leaving the ghosts behind until I got you I got you
you're the sun through my window, warming my skin Oh you,
I got you
hey then when one of them was taken, the other one was waiting
for the next big thing
To bring them to the gates of heaven or maybe just late night in Vegas
It's true that's what we do when were going down swingin-
then coming up singing the blues
Wearing out my shoes-chasing new faces to get to you-
driving home on a summer night
Singing old black water keep on rolling- till the time is right
I don't care if it rains, I'll be just fine sit back enjoy the ride
until I got you I got you you're the sun through my window
warming my skin, oh you I got you Like Sonny and Cher
Except I'll be there for you , I got you
Let old black water bring us together - old black water keep on rolling
Mississippi moon won't you keep on shining on me
Wanna hear some funky Dixieland
Pretty Mama come on take me by the hand, wanna hear some funky Dixieland
Pretty mama come on take me by the hand
Here she comes, here she comes I got you I got you
You're the sun through my window warming my skin oh you
I got you like Sonny and Cher you know I'll be there for you
I got you let old black water bring us together
You I got you, I got you , I got you baby
By the hand hand take me by the hand
Pretty mama dance with your daddy all night long wanna hear some
Funky Dixieland pretty mama come and take me by the hand

Train - Hey, Soul Sister

"Hey, Soul Sister"

Heeey heeeey heeeeey

Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you
And so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam
The smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided you're the one I have decided
Who's one of my kind

Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight

Heeey heeeey heeeey

Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection, we can't deny I I-I-I-I
I'm so obsessed
My heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind

Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight

The way you can cut a rug
Watching you is the only drug I need
Some gangster, I'm so thug
You're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see I can be myself now finally
In fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you'll be with me

Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)

Train - Save Me, San Francisco

"Save Me, San Francisco"

I used to love the Tenderloin
Till I made some tender coin
Then I met some ladies from Marin
We took the highway to the One
Up the coast to catch some sun
They left me with this blisters on my skin.

Don't know what I was on, but I think it grows in Oregon
So I kept on going, going, gone, right through
I drove into Seattle rain, fell in love then missed the train
That could a took me right back home to you

I been high
I been low
I been yes, and I been oh hell no
I been rock 'n roll and disco
Won't you save me San Francisco

Ooo ooo ooo, oh oh

Every day's so caffeinated
I wish they were Golden Gated
Fillmore couldn't feel more miles away
So, wrap me up return to sender
Let's forget this 5 year bender
Take me to my city by the Bay

I never knew all that I had
Now Alcatraz don't sound so bad
At least they'd have a hella fine merlot
If I could wish upon a star
I would hitch a cable car
To the one place that I'll always call my home

I been high
I been low
I been yes, and I been oh hell no
I been rock 'n roll and disco
Won't you save me San Francisco
I been up
I been down
I been so damn lost since you're not around
I been reggae and calypso
Won't you save me San Francisco

To tell you the truth
I miss everything...everything
It's a wild, wide, beautiful world
But there's a wide-eyed girl back there
And she means everything...everything

I been stop
I been go
I been yes and I been oh hell no
I been rock 'n roll and disco
Won't you save me San Francisco
I been up
I been down
I been so damn lost since you're not around
I been reggae and calypso
Won't you save me San Francisco

Oo oo oo...oh oh
Won't you save me San Francisco
Oo oo oo...oh oh
Won't you save me San Francisco



PROTAGONIS         :
1.      Rian Hidayaullah
2.      Joe Sebastian
3.      Stanly Schwanstwenger
4.      Budi the Beatle Minder
5.      Riwi Comander
6.      Dominique La Froza
7.      Godek
8.      Aisyah Irew
9.      Dimitrix
10.  Skinner
11.  Shintia
12.  Ahmed bin Jablah
13.  Seiko the Kruger

PENDUKUNG         :
1.      Michael Sebastian
2.      Raymond the Mad Dog
3.      Jack the Jhoker
4.      Einstein
5.      Ryuko Yuki
6.      Riski the Reaper
7.      Mr. W
8.      Khesya Asri Ananda
9.      Karina Watson

1.      Ignasi Romanov
2.      Vladimir Mishanivoch
3.      Zero Warhead
4.      Natalya Dimitrinovna
5.      Baron Ryukora
6.      Rekyou

MASTER                   :
1.      Raden Mas Ali
2.      Steven Singler
3.      Ezcterno Djancovick
4.      Raffael D’Muirto
5.      James Dracnov
6.      Samuel De La Vega
7.      Joaquint Petranov
8.      Reykyou

1.      Joan Vandes
2.      Skinner
3.      Kevin
4.      Jakal Rosyid
5.      Kenya
6.      Maya Keyn
7.      Farhan Hasanudin
8.      Davin Carlos
9.      Zeios
10.  Yuan Kyoto

1.      Kakek James
2.      Joe Sebastian
3.      Hasan
4.      Husain
5.      Hirakuro
6.      Del Pirlo
7.      Jeni Knifemaster

VIPER                       :
1.      Joe Sebastian
2.      Dominique La Froza
3.      Stanly Schwanstwenger
4.      Skinner
5.      Raffael D’Muirto
6.      Hasan
7.      Husain
8.      Ahmed bin Jablah
9.      Rian Hidayatullah
10.  Shintia